Most of us in financial services and related industries have all experienced the increase of virtual environments as we’ve switched to remote working. And we’ve all seen countless articles about how the way we work has been changed forever. Most of these articles have focused on people already in the workforce, and how we’ll have to adapt.
But many of us have not considered the people who are entering the workforce for the first time, and how unusual their first exposure to a work environment must be.
Every year, the big banks around the world take in hundreds of new graduates who are starting their careers. And for this year’s graduates, video calls, remote work, digital networking will be all they know. For these new employees, these ‘unprecedented times’ are the norm.
The Majority of companies will need clear and direct strategies on how to accommodate the grads during their first steps in their career.
I wonder, will these new grads in the financial industry be better prepared for a Post-Covid career compared to their experienced counterparts?
I believe nothing beats experience, but considering the process of innovation we are currently going through, experience in what exactly is what’s most important?
Business as we know it is unlikely to return post covid and I reckon we may very well see a new breed of bankers being born right in front of us.