Young Australians have “cleaned out” their supers
Predictions say that more than half a million Australians have “completely cleaned out” their superannuation savings by utilising the early-access scheme.
Predictions say that more than half a million Australians have “completely cleaned out” their superannuation savings by utilising the early-access scheme.
Data from realestate.com.au has revealed that interest in Australian property from Hong Kong has doubled, in light of recent developments in the region.
Physical assets like gold, silver, and property could be the real winners as investors see the writing on the wall.
The final clearance rate for Melbourne over the week ending July 19th was 43%. This was down from 51% in the previous week, and low 60s over the three weeks prior to that. Here’s why that’s a good thing.
Brisbane is likely to be one of the best-performing property markets in the next few years – especially in light of its stability through trade restrictions and lock-downs.
In the year to March 2020, prime farmland delivered a return of 14.9% according to the Australian Farmland Index.