ANZ joins ranks, revises property predictions

ANZ has joined ranks with Westpac and Commonwealth Bank by revising their predictions for the property market.

Economists at ANZ are citing stimulus measures and record-low interest rates as factors that will not only limit price declines, but actually result in modest price growth this year. They predict that the national peak-to-trough decline that began in April will be just 2.1%, and will finish with a 2% gain when the year is done.

ANZ predict that national prices will increase by 9% in 2021, Brisbane prices will increase by 9.5%, and Melbourne prices will grow by 7.8%.

ANZ economists Felicity Emmett and Adelaide Timbrell said the bank’s view that house prices would decline around 10% “has proven too pessimistic”.

The factors that motivated ANZ’s one-eighty on their prediction are government income support, home loan deferrals, and the prospect of low interest rates for years to come