In 16 of the 29 months leading up to June 2019, the capital gain of median Sydney homes rose by more than a median full-time workers wages. For those 16 months, it was more profitable to be a landlord than to have a full-time job.
Dr Cameron Murray, co-author of the report ‘When homes earn more than jobs’ said “being a landlord has been the best job in this country over the last twenty years. It’s by far the easiest job, especially in Sydney and Melbourne.”
House prices have also risen faster than wages. In the past five years, dwelling prices have grown by an average of 3 percent per year, while wages have only increased by 2.1 percent. Rents have also grown by 1.2 percent giving property investors extra returns.
So while things may be looking rough for landlords in the current economic environment, it’s important to remember just how good property investment is.